Lish won't accept the password using my keyboard


Question: Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong from the description below?

  • I typed root at the Lish Console and hit enter
  • Lish then said Password but after the Password prompt Lish would not let me type the password. I can depress the keyboard keys and nothing happens.

localhost login: root
Password: (Lish won't accept any input here)

After sixty seconds it says "Login timed out after 60 seconds."

Thank you in advance.

1 Reply

It’s not lish, it’s the Linux login process… When the login process asks for your password it puts the terminal (lish) into no echo mode so that what you type is not visible. Echoing "●" in response to a keypress when entering a password is generally a web/Windoze/GUI thing and can't be done on a garden-variety terminal (which is what lish is).

What you type is still being accepted…just not displayed. This is a security measure.

— sw


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