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DHCP ports open on Firewall?


I inherited a Linode server for my organization which has a firewall enabled.

It allows outbound connections to ports 67 and 68 for DHCP. Do I really need these to stay open for my Linode to work?
(We don't have a DHCP server. My question is does Linode the organization need my server to have these ports open?)


1 Reply

✓ Best Answer

It allows outbound connections to ports 67 and 68 for DHCP. Do I really need these to stay open for my Linode to work?
(We don't have a DHCP server. My question is does Linode the organization need my server to have these ports open?)

Generally, no. However, if your Linode is acting as a router of some sort that manages a pool of IP addresses, then the answer might be yes.

-- sw


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