Suddenly my Linode is down

It is Ubuntu 16 with 8GB RAM. Shutdown is taking some 3 minutes. Earlier 40 seconds only.
It's not even pinging. In the rescue mode I've run fsck it showed no errors. SSHD isn't running.

What could be the reason all of sudden?

7 Replies

I've deployed with copy of 1pm backup in a new linode. Even it(linode-sing-restored-9aug8am) is not responding. It was properly working at that time. Confused what could have happened!

Can you get into the sever via the Linode terminals… Lish and Glish?

File a support ticket.

-- sw

Weblish is stuck and showing this error message: Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!

I've restarted this Linode a couple of times however even 31/july/22 backup restored Linode not restarting.
What could be the problem?

The restored versions and current linodes won't ping

Weblish is stuck and showing this error message: Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!

This is bad news. A kernel panic means that the Linux kernel has run into some error from which it cannot recover…so it just stops (with some error code that only kernel developers understand).

I've restarted this Linode a couple of times however even 31/july/22 backup restored Linode not restarting.
What could be the problem?

It could be a hardware issue. That's why you need to get Linode support involved. This definitely falls under their purview…

The restored versions and current linodes won't ping

Without a running OS, there is no network stack to respond…so your Linode can't respond.

About the only thing I can suggest is to spin up a NEW Linode (on different physical hardware…support can assist you with this) and try restoring your backups to that (WARNING! The IP addresses will be different). If the Linode starts up and acts "normal" then you know your backups are intact and can move forward without having to rebuild everything from scratch.

If this doesn't work, then you'll prob have to configure your OS from scratch and use your backup as a "file backup" and use it to recover config files for the services & apps you use. Depending on the complexity of your server and your dedication to solving the problem (and the amount of sleep you are willing to go without), this could take several days to get back to exactly where you were…

-- sw

Yes I'm sure it's hardware issue from their side. Fresh new Linode with Ubuntu 16 having same problem:

Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init

Fresh new Linode with Ubuntu 16 having same problem

On different physical hardware? I was always under the impression that only Linode could pick the physical machine on which a VPS was deployed.

Also, Ubuntu 16.04 is more than a year out of support life:

Hardware has moved on since April 2016 when 16.04 was introduced. Your problem may be terminal because of this… The current LTS version of Ubuntu is 22.04.

— sw


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