Website domain configured but redirecting to IP

I added the domain to linode and record as default. Now when visit my domain it redirect me to IP.

6 Replies

I added the domain to linode and record as default. Now when visit my domain it redirect me to IP.

Your problem statement is pretty thin on useful information. From your description, it sounds like your DNS configuration is working the way it's supposed to…

DNS allows you to associate a name (which is relatively easy for humans to remember) with IP addresses (which are generally not easy for humans to remember). Using a name and having that "redirect" to an IP address is exactly what DNS is supposed to do for you.

I'm probably missing something in your problem description so could you elaborate more fully?

-- sw

Recently I install WordPress on my Linode Instance, after migration and connecting domain my website should open on domain

but its redirecting to the IP, As per me there should be some error in records but i am using linode default records.

You can visit this for better understanding

Ideally it should open my website but this will redirect to linode default IP.

I dunno what to tell you…it worked fine for me. Perhaps you didn't wait long enough for your DNS changes to propagate (I'm on the US West Coast).

Also, try clearing your browser cache.

-- sw

Thanks, I just figure out and made this working!

It does not work for me. From I get:

Your connection is not private
Attackers might be trying to steal your information from (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards). Learn more

Tried both Chrome and Safari.

Al --

In a later request, he said he was trying to get certbot installed and having some difficulty. He's trying to correct this.

FWIW, I got the same thing. He has a cert but it's self-signed.

-- sw


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