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How to CLI command Tar the contents in object storage directly~

Since the files stored in OS are very small, and the numbers is larger, easy to excel the limitation, now want to tar these small files to large files, how can I CLI execute the tar command directly?

1 Reply

✓ Best Answer

You can't use tar on files stored in an object storage bucket. tar only works with filesystem files.

  1. Move your files from the object storage bucket to some directory on your Linode (however it is you do that).

  2. Create the archive using tar.

  3. Move the tar archive to the object storage bucket.

  4. Delete the original files from both the filesystem and the object storage bucket.

Unless you want to install/setup fuse and it's s3 driver (which makes object storage look like a regular filesystem to Linux), this is how you have to do it…

-- sw


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