How Can I Keep My Ant Media Server Online 24/7?

Linode Staff


I recently created an Ant Media Server, which is providing a 24/7 stream on YouTube. The video worked for 12 hours, and then stopped working. What are some reasons this might happen? How can I fix it?

1 Reply

Breaking this question apart, we have 3 total areas where something might go wrong. Those areas are Linode, Ant Media Server, and YouTube.

Beginning with Linode. This is the Linode compute instance where your Ant Media Server is running. Now you likely deployed Ant Media Server from Linode's One-Click Marketplace App, so it's unlikely there are any configuration issues, but I recommend checking the configuration just to be sure. In this case, triple check to ensure your Linode is connected to the public internet, and there are no system issues preventing Ant Media Server from running successfully. To run through your Linode system, I recommend following the guidance here. That link is primarily used for outages associated with system maintenance, but the steps also apply here.

Now focusing on Ant Media Server. I highly recommend watching this Linode YouTube video to ensure you have replicated the steps to properly add your stream's media, and initialize the live stream. Clicking the play button near the right hand side will allow you to test the stream connection prior to moving to the next step.

Lastly, focusing on YouTube. You'll want to ensure your Google account abides by Google's live streaming requirements. If everything looks good there, pull up your stream interface and double check to ensure you're using the appropriate stream key. If everything appears as it should, but you don't see your stream coming through, you'll likely want to work backwards - in this case moving back to Ant Media Server - to ensure things are properly set up.

In the event you're still running into issues with your Ant Media stream, please find the Ant Media Resources page to be helpful in further troubleshooting.

I hope this information helps! Happy streaming!



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