
my domains redirected by a2ensite looked like this

Is there a way to get this IP number ????

meus dominios redirecionados pelos a2ensite ficaram assim

tem como tirar esse numero de IP ????

3 Replies

Your web server's internal configuration handles redirects for URLs. I ran a curl to your domain and saw that you're using Apache, so this guide should help you get sorted out:

Redirect URLs with the Apache Web Server | Linode

In addition to what @watrick said, you might check out this book:

The Definitive Guide to Apache mod_rewrite by Rich Bowen

  • ISBN-10: 1484220935
  • ISBN-13: 978-1484220931

It's available at Amazon. It's expensive but worth it's weight in gold (IMHO).

-- sw

thank you, I will look for these books and print the handout. THX.


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