How do i pass an empty array to linode-cli invocation?


I would like to remove all shared IPs from a linode as stated in linode API docs, however, I am not able to pass an empty array as an argument:

~# linode-cli networking ip-share --linode_id XXXXXX --ips '[]' --json
Request failed: 400
[{"field": "", "reason": "Invalid IP Address []"}]
~# linode-cli networking ip-share --linode_id XXXXXX --ips [] --json
Request failed: 400
[{"field": "", "reason": "Invalid IP Address []"}]
~# linode-cli networking ip-share --linode_id XXXXXX --ips "[]" --json
Request failed: 400
[{"field": "", "reason": "Invalid IP Address []"}]
~# linode-cli networking ip-share --linode_id XXXXXX --ips "\[\]" --json
Request failed: 400
[{"field": "", "reason": "Invalid IP Address \[\]"}]
~# linode-cli networking ip-share --linode_id XXXXXX --ips --json
usage: linode-cli networking ip-share [-h] [--linode_id linode_id] [--ips ips]
linode-cli networking ip-share: error: argument --ips: expected one argument
~# linode-cli networking ip-share --linode_id XXXXXX --ips "" --json
Request failed: 400
[{"field": "", "reason": "Invalid IP Address "}]

Sorry if this is an obvious question, but I couldn't figure it out.

Kind Regards,

1 Reply

I was able to pass an empty array using the API for a call to a different endpoint, specifically cloning a Linode. This was my API call:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
    -X POST -d '{
      "region": "us-east",
      "type": "g6-standard-2",
      "label": "cloned-linode",
      "backups_enabled": true,
      "disks": [],
      "configs": [],
      "private_ip": true
    }' \

However, when I translated this to a CLI command, I received the following error:

linode-cli linodes clone 20747994 \
  --region us-east \
  --type g6-standard-2 \
  --label cloned-ubun22me2 \
  --backups_enabled true \
  --disks  \
  --configs  \
  --private_ip true
usage: linode-cli linodes clone [-h] [--region region] [--type type]
                                [--linode_id linode_id] [--label label]
                                [--group group]
                                [--backups_enabled backups_enabled]
                                [--disks disks] [--configs configs]
                                [--private_ip private_ip]
linode-cli linodes clone: error: argument --disks: expected one argument

This is not expected behavior. We've reported the issue to the API team for a closer look. Once we hear back from them, we'll be sure to let you know.


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