Ho to host application in OpenVPN ubuntu instance ?

I configure OpenVPN server in ubuntu 20.04 instance and try to deploy .NET Application, I configure site default-available in http: and I restart the nginx, after that I restart my service as well, when I navigate to my IP address its automatically redirect to OpenVpn login route.
Is there any specific configuration option ?

1 Reply

Usually this unexpected redirect behavior is due to a configuration error within NGINX or OpenVPN. To troubleshoot this issue, there are a few things worth checking.

First, verify that the server block for your .NET application in the NGINX configuration file is correctly configured and listening on the correct IP address and port. If there is a misconfiguration in your NGINX file, it could cause the unwanted redirect.

Next, check to ensure that the OpenVPN server is not configured to redirect all traffic to the VPN server. This is a common configuration option for VPN's, but it can cause unexpected behavior when you are trying to run other services within the same Linode.

It sounds like the required server ports are open and functional, but I would ensure the port configurations for NGINX and OpenVPN are not conflicting with one another. If both services are trying to bind to the same port, it can cause unexpected behavior such as the redirect you are witnessing.

Lastly, for what it's worth, is an invalid address as the last octet can only be between 1 and 254. Using would lead to an error potentially causing it to fail over depending on the configuration.


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