Problems installing cPanel via Marketplace

I just created my first Linode. Added the Firewall option. Then in the manager, I went to MarketPlace apps and when I chose cPanel it wants me to choose/create a new Linode! So how do I add cPanel to my Linode?

Also, if this is only a trial version and I need to purchase a license from cPanel, I might as well do that first and install via ssh rather than run into any problems converting to a paid license. But just to say, a response from sales(?) led me to believe cPanel was free. Guess it was too good to be true. See below:

For no extra charge, we have a One-Click App Marketplace which can deploy Linodes with various software automatically installed, such as LiteSpeed w/ cPanel, however we currently do not offer One-Click App installations of …

2 Replies

Hey there,

The really short answer is: It costs money unless you use a trial, or are a Linode Managed customer, because they have a license included in that service offering.

To go into further detail, Linode offers one-click deployments of applications free of charge. The actual setting up of the application on your compute instance does not cost extra when using the marketplace application deployment process, but if the specific application you are seeking to use requires a paid license or subscription, you will still need to purchase one, unless the Marketplace page states otherwise. I phrase it like this because it is possible that agreements with third party applications may change over time.

For cPanel specifically, there are a couple caveats. There is an option to use a free trial upon deployment, or you can purchase your own license (if you do not already have one), or if you are a Linode Managed customer, that service offering includes a complimentary cPanel license.

The One-Click application in the Linode Marketplace can be found here:

It includes step-by-step instructions, including using the trial, or purchasing a license, or entering your own existing license.

For more information on Linode Managed, refer to the following:

Hope that helps clarify everything!



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