linode going wacko

My linode is on dallas47….

Ever since you guys did the upgrades or whatever things on my linode have been going wacko every few hours. I have 2 ircd's for my IRC network running, one on each of my Ip's, and httpd, mysql…. and every few hours things stop or restart…

Any ideas why this is happening?



3 Replies

your applications are crashing? they are probably segfaulting. check server logfiles for crash reports, launch the services in debug mode if possible.


your applications are crashing? they are probably segfaulting. check server logfiles for crash reports, launch the services in debug mode if possible.

I've checked my log file… and all I see is a bunch of these

Apr 6 21:19:40 li20-14 sshd[6112]: Received signal 15; terminating.

the rest is just where I'ved logged in to restart stuff

Signal 15 is SIGTERM - not normally the result of any particular problem with a host. Your linode isn't actually rebooting, right? Audit the list of root-owned processes to see if anything looks out of place…


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