Mailman consultant needed - 50.00/hour

Hello, I have a Linode that has been running mailman just fine for about 1 year. However, recently it has been eating up the memory so that I have no swap space and the Python process runs for a long period of time taking 72% of the memory.

I had a ton of held messages and managed to remove them all via the "discard" program… it tooks hours to get rid of them.

But even so, the request.pck file was (and is) still huge.

You can reply to forum post or email me at to get the consultant ball rolling. I prefer to work with people who are also Linode users just so I have some degree of trust.

I am using Debian/etch with Postfix.

3 Replies

My postfix configuration is based on the alternative approach here -

It uses virtual maps and regular expressions


Hello, I have a Linode that has been running mailman just fine for about 1 year. However, recently it has been eating up the memory so that I have no swap space and the Python process runs for a long period of time taking 72% of the memory.

Did you get this one sorted out?



Hello, I have a Linode that has been running mailman just fine for about 1 year. However, recently it has been eating up the memory so that I have no swap space and the Python process runs for a long period of time taking 72% of the memory.

Did you get this one sorted out?

I need help. I discarded the held messages a while back and now there are still more held messages there.

– Terrence (818) 359-0893.

I assume you own your own linode? Can we meet in the #linode channel and chat? I just need to make sure the ops know you and then you can get into my box and fix this.

My IRC nick is "metaperl"


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