Help test the new Linode API

Linode Staff

We're looking for your input and testing help with the Linode API. If interested join #linode-api on



6 Replies

There exist examples of consuming the api in perl and python so you don't have to worry about doing that part on your own for testing purposes

And where might the docs and examples be? (No announcement on the blog, nothing in the wiki…)

The docs are available only after you come into the channel :) The API isn't officially released yet, but I do have a test rig set up.



We're looking for your input and testing help with the Linode API. If interested join #linode-api on



What is the purpose of the API? I'm specifically interested in being able to manipulate my zone in the DNS manager. Can I do that?




Awesome! Just found the docs…looks like exactly what I need (python bindings too, nice!).



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