Kernel version

Why is 2.6.18 used as the default kernel? At least current ubuntu defaults to 2.6.24…

(I do not have any particular problem with that, just curious)

5 Replies

Speaking of which, can we have a 64 bit version of the new kernel, please?

probably because your normal Ubuntu installs aren't Xen kernels

The kernels used are not your normal kernels that are shipped with the distros. The domU kernels need patches from Xen in order to work under Xen, and the newer kernels require pvops support enabled. Latest-2.6 still points to the last domU kernel because there are still some small bugs with the pvops kernels.


The kernels used are not your normal kernels that are shipped with the distros. The domU kernels need patches from Xen in order to work under Xen, and the newer kernels require pvops support enabled. Latest-2.6 still points to the last domU kernel because there are still some small bugs with the pvops kernels.

so you mean there is an issue with xen/pvops and in newer kernels pvops must be enabled for xen to work correctly?

I don't know anything for sure, but Chris has mentioned something to that effect in the IRC channel.


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