

I recently transitioned my DNS to the DNS Manager, and I ran into a couple of problems/annoyances.

The first issue is the inability to create full length SRV records, including domain in the protocol – as referenced here and in the docs from google ~~[http://rutger.heijmerikx.nl/2008/04/google-talk-for-google-apps-srv-records/" target="_blank">](http://rutger.heijmerikx.nl/2008/04/goo … v-records/">http://rutger.heijmerikx.nl/2008/04/google-talk-for-google-apps-srv-records/]( – perhaps just a "custom record" idea is in order?

The second, and in my opinion, most major issue, is that the DNS manager adds a trailing dot to every entry no matter what. In my case, I had a record that looked like this on the other host:

www IN CNAME  viagra

and when I used the "import" command, it translated to this:

www IN CNAME viagra.

note the dot at the end – this broke all my CNAMES until I realized the issue and made the entries FQDNs. Here's my beef: when importing, you should either omit the dot (can you make it optional?) or translate non-dotted records to a FQDN. At the very least, you need a warning on the CNAME page saying that a dot will be appended.

5 Replies

I agree about the trailing dot problem. Actually, I made a post about it http://www.linode.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3238 , but there wasn't really any response.

I…third the trailing dot issue.

However, it's probably best to leave it how it is, especially since it's easy to work around.


I…third the trailing dot issue.

However, it's probably best to leave it how it is, especially since it's easy to work around.

At least TELL somebody, or make it an option, or something. It's frustrating to have things added in without explicitly asking for it.

Hey guys,

I'll need to first dig through the code to offer a fix, but we'll figure something out that makes more sense.

Thanks for the reports,


Any news about this? I just started shifting by DNS handling to linode and came across this problems – CNAMEs that aren't FQDNs don't get imported properly.

I agree if no immediate solution is possible a little warning note would be very helpful.


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