Want to upload ubuntu14 image

I've tried to upload this image: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/trusty/20190429/trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img but it wants tar.gz and won't accept QCow2 Disk image

What is the way I can create an Ubuntu 14 image?


3 Replies

If you are unable to upload/unpack the Ubuntu 14 QCow2 Image as a custom Linode distribution, you might want to try installing Ubuntu 14 using one of Canonical's ARM64 .tar.gz images:

Alternatively, instead of running your VM as a Linux distribution which reached End of Life (EOL) in 2019, you may have better success running a modern/supported distribution and executing Ubuntu 14 within a Docker Container:

For more information about running Docker and managing Docker files on a Linode, be sure to review the following documentation:

If I subscribe to your support can your staff do this for me?

I don't think it is going to happen.


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