Any news on this morning's Dallas outages?

Don't see anything on the Dallas outages this morning, just curious what happened.


7 Replies

We mitigated a large DDoS attack against a (now) previous customer's Linode.



We mitigated a large DDoS attack against a (now) previous customer's Linode.

Just curious, did they somehow instigate the attack as to the reason why you terminated their account?

Just being nosey –


Just curious, did they somehow instigate the attack as to the reason why you terminated their account?

They may not have called up and explained the reason for the attack.


For DDoS, it's usually three strikes and you're out (account cancelled). If you piss caker off, it's only two strikes. If you really piss caker off - one strike is all it takes.

Now if you piss off Mike on the other hand…


Now if you piss off Mike on the other hand…

…you don't live to tell the tale.

I did not mean for there to be so much discussion of urine, my apologies.



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