little question

sorry for the title of the topic but am unable to find suitable one.

my question may seem stupid..

a lot of people have adviced me to go with ubuntu platform

because it's more user friendly.

but all what I can access with it, it's the command-line via SSH.

so how can I access it's user friendly interface?

I have started my ubuntu platform and set up my image disk and swap disk.

9 Replies

What we have here is the server edition of Ubuntu, which doesn't come with any graphical user interface. This helps save a lot of server resources.

Even on the command line, Ubuntu is still more user-friendly than most other flavors of Linux, because of its excellent package management system.

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thanks a lot dear.

and am sorry, I'm still new.

No reason to be sorry, everyone starts somewhere. I would advise on getting a second computer or using virtual machines and play testing everything you do, before testing and blowing stuff up on your linode :)

One thing I like about it is if you type in a command that isn't installed on your system, it will tell you the package that has it and how to install it. Pretty simple.

You can however install a GUI (Graphical User Interface) I recommend installing XFCE.

apt-get install xubuntu-desktop

after install

/etc/init.d/gdm start

Then just install VNC Server to view it……..or if your using ubuntu at home connect with the remote x viewer.


You can however install a GUI (Graphical User Interface) I recommend installing XFCE.

apt-get install xubuntu-desktop

after install

/etc/init.d/gdm start

Then just install VNC Server to view it……..or if your using ubuntu at home connect with the remote x viewer.
Why? colossal waste of resources to install a GUI on a remote server.


Why? colossal waste of resources to install a GUI on a remote server.
Because there are no good gnutella ncurses clients left.

X has this neat feature where you can pipe graphical apps from a remote machine onto your local X server. No need to install a GUI remotely.

VNC has this neat feature where you can run a graphical app remotely, detach from it at home/work/school and then reconnect to it at home/work/school.


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