There are a few things in life we can rely on. Linode.

There are a few things in life we can rely on. Linode is one of them.

I signed up in 2004 with a Linode-240 (MB RAM) plan, being unchanged it grew into a Linode-1080 today. My server uptime is 338 days, the last reboot in 2008 picked up Linode's 2007 Christmas gift of additional RAM.

The reliability I receive is beyond what I have seen working in IT for 15 years on 3 continents. When I was moving in this world, I always had to leave things behind. Not Linode. It has been with me since I was living in the U.S., over to Europe and now in Japan.

Linode does not bug me with any unwanted sales, inquiries, surveys or other announcements at all. But in the three times I contacted them, I got a response right away. For everything else, there is is the community, among them some very high-skilled people because a great service attracts good customers.

Other testimonials already confirm the performance, reliability, flexibility and value of Linode. It all comes down to Linodes staff we know by name: Chris, Mike, Tom and now James. May your great work make you happy, it makes us happy too. I am glad you are not a faceless IT organisation, were talented people slave to fulfill the business gamble of their executives.

Keep it up, I am looking very much forward to play with my Linode fulltime when I retire in 25 or so years. And if, by chance, I come across a great business idea to implement, it would be definitely hosted at Linode, too.


1 Reply

Even though I've only been a customer for 4 or 5 months, the reliability and speed is definitely something I've noticed. I've rebooted once or twice to pick up a new kernel, and once when I upgraded my account. I opened one support ticket when a queued job was taking a long time to complete and the support guy resolved it within minutes of the ticket being created (though apparently if I had waited another 10min it would've resolved itself, I'm impatient by nature though!).

I've got nothing but good things to say about Linode and have recommended them to a few friends :)


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