Everything Xen?

Did I miss the announcement where all us oldtimer UML users were converted to Xen? I ask because I just noticed two processes (xenwatch, xenbus) that I didn't expect to see. It's not a big deal, and I'm not complaining; it's just a surprise.

Also, is there any configuration I should change?

8 Replies


Did I miss the announcement where all us oldtimer UML users were converted to Xen? I ask because I just noticed two processes (xenwatch, xenbus) that I didn't expect to see. It's not a big deal, and I'm not complaining; it's just a surprise.

Atlanta was converted over to Xen a while back (you shoulda been emailed), but Dallas and Fremont haven't been.


Also, is there any configuration I should change?


I'll be sticking with UML until the death. When was the last time you saw a UML box fall over. XEN is still too unstable as far as I'm concerned.


Atlanta was converted over to Xen a while back (you shoulda been emailed), but Dallas and Fremont haven't been.
I'm at fremont, so I guess I'm still UML, then. However, I have /proc/xen and the previously mentioned kernel processes. Does that just mean I'm running a Xen capable kernel? ( #1 SMP). For that matter, is there any way to distinguish UML vs. Xen from the linode?

I believe Fremont was all Xen from the beginning - that may be inaccurate, though.

Does cat /proc/cpuinfo show 4 cores? If so, then you're on Xen.

Did you request a migration/upgrade recently? It may have been that you were migrated to Xen, and our awesome conversion routines seamlessly took care of the transition :)



It may have been that you were migrated to Xen, and our awesome conversion routines seamlessly took care of the transition :)
…said with the utmost humility, of course. ;-)

Fremont was definitely a Linode datacenter a long time before Xen was rolled out.

/proc/cpuinfo will say "UML" and "User Mode Linux" if it's not Xen.

Well, I've got 4 cores and no "UML" in my cpuinfo, so it looks like I've been converted. I migrated from fremont73 to fremont44 back in September 08, but I think that was for more memory. Anyway, thanks for all the answers, folks.


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