Daily backup didn't run

I had the backup window set to 0200-0400 but the "daily backups" box is empty, and the only backup in the log is the snapshot which was completed at 2009-04-03 19:31:40.

6 Replies

I changed the window to 1200-1400 (GMT-5) but no scheduled backup has occurred.

Has anyone's scheduled backup worked as expected? Looking forward to testing this further.

Yep. Mine worked as expected.


Yep. Mine worked as expected.

I wonder if my snapshot yesterday counted as the "daily backup" slot. Had you made a snapshot too?

Linode Staff


I wonder if my snapshot yesterday counted as the "daily backup" slot.
No, they do not.

I'll take a look. Which Linode?


Linode Staff

@phvt - ok, I set your schedule to the next backup window (22:00 hours). We'll see what happens.

That worked :)

auto     2009-04-04 22:56:56     2009-04-04 22:58:36     1 minute, 40 seconds   successful


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