Custom Nameservers instead of NSx.LINODE.COM


I am sorry if this is not the right topic. I tried to run a search before posting it but without success.

I am a Linode user and I'd like to use NS1.MYDOMAIN.COM instead of NS1.LINODE.COM

I'd like to know if I am doing ok, or something is bad.

I went to my Godaddy account and set a new Host for MYDOMAIN, for example, named it NS1.MYDOMAIN.COM and NS2.MYDOMAIN.COM

However, I wanted to know what are the IP address that I should specify when creating these new hosts in the Godaddy domain manager. I guess I should specify the same IPs used by NS1.LINODE.COM and NS2.LINODE.COM, but probably that aren't the right values, or yes?

Any suggestion in advance will be so much appreciated.



1 Reply

In order to do that, you'd need to set those up as glue records. Basically you're setting up a catch-22 where a resolving system needs to know the answer before it can ask the question. Setting up glue records with your registrar fixes this.

Using the IP addresses of should work, I think.

But. There's nothing wrong, weird, or inelegant about using Linode's name servers. It sounds like you're trying to hack together a solution to a non-problem which WILL be weird and inelegant, and possibly wrong, if the IPs of Linode's servers should change. And updating glue records isn't quick; they're not based on your TTLs at all. It takes days.

Short answer: don't do this.


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