RHEL 5.4 is on the road, when CentOS 5.4?

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Is there some news on CentOS 5.4?

8 Replies


Is there some news on CentOS 5.4?
CentOS aim to get their point releases out 2-4 weeks after the upstream release. 5.3 took 10 weeks.



Is there some news on CentOS 5.4?
CentOS aim to get their point releases out 2-4 weeks after the upstream release. 5.3 took 10 weeks.

do you think that a yum update could be enough and painless to migrate from centos5.3 to 5.4?

I used yum update to go from 5.2 to 5.3 without problems.

no reconfiguration needed for

http + mysql + php, pop+smtp+spam, ssh server?


no reconfiguration needed for

http + mysql + php, pop+smtp+spam, ssh server?
There shouldn't be. But you're recommended to take a backup first, just in case!

Wrote on centos forum on 17 of this month:

Here is an update about the status of CentOS 5.4. The QA team is going to see the first 5.4 tree for both i386 and x86_64 very soon (maybe today).

I want it now :P


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