Linode, slow connection...


what's happening to my linode?

I bough a VPS that serves pages in italy at about 500KB/sec,

this morning my VPS can't give me more than 25KB/sec…

Is there some problem on newark net?



6 Replies

Can you check the status of your CPU during the transfer? Check to see if there is excessive wait time in "top" which would indicate thrashing.


Can you check the status of your CPU during the transfer? Check to see if there is excessive wait time in "top" which would indicate thrashing.

CPU is near the idle…


Is there some problem on newark net?

Hi Davide,

I'm in Portugal, my Linode is also in the Newark datacenter and I'm getting around 500KB/s as usual, so I don't think it is a Newark problem.



Is there some problem on newark net?

Hi Davide,

I'm in Portugal, my Linode is also in the Newark datacenter and I'm getting around 500KB/s as usual, so I don't think it is a Newark problem.

thanks for your reply…

I don't think so if you are not experiencing this problem…

I need to fix this problem :(

I will check with other internet provider soon…

``` alucard@piett:/tmp$ wget --2009-09-28 15:17:54-- Resolving Connecting to||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 95545644 (91M) [video/quicktime] Saving'

100%[==========================================================>] 95,545,644 3.94M/s in 26s

2009-09-28 15:18:20 (3.55 MB/s) - `' saved [95545644/95545644]


Fine for me

ok, the most important things is that there is no problem on my linode…


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