Two domains name pointing the same linode... please help...


I want to register to domain name with godaddy, and and I want that it will point to the same linode.

How can I do that?


4 Replies

Point them to the same IP in whatever DNS manager you use.


Point them to the same IP in whatever DNS manager you use.

should I change something in my apache configuration?

I use linode dns manager, should I add NS, MX, AAAA record also for the .eu domains as I done with the .org?




Point them to the same IP in whatever DNS manager you use.

should I change something in my apache configuration?

If you are using VirtualHosts, you may need this: … erveralias">

> I use linode dns manager, should I add NS, MX, AAAA record also for the .eu domains as I done with the .org?

Probably not necessary, depending on what you are trying to do.

The .eu will require, at minimum, NS records and an A record for the domain itself, as well as the "www" record if you want to host a website for it using

It will require an MX record if you wish for it to receive mail.


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