[Solved] Email from Command Line

I've set up Postfix on my Linode. The majority of emails are sent/received through Google Apps, but Postfix lets me create emails in PHP forms.

When I try to send an email via the command line though, I get

mail: command not found

I'm not sure how Postfix works, but is there another tool I should be installing to make this work, or is it something I can configure within Postfix?

Here's the script I'm running btw:

( rkhunter --versioncheck
rkhunter --update
rkhunter --cronjob --report-warnings-only
) | mail -s "Rkhunter Output" michael@problogdesign.com

Really appreciate any ideas on what to try, thanks!

3 Replies

Sounds like you don't have the mailx package installed. How you do it depends on your distribution.

e.g., for CentOS:

yum install mailx

Or you could called the "sendmail" command (which postfix and most others emulate) directly.

It may be in /usr/lib or /usr/sbin (or both!)


  echo To: michael@problogdesign.com 
  echo Subject: Rkhunter Output
  rkhunter --versioncheck
  rkhunter --update
  rkhunter --cronjob --report-warnings-only
) | /usr/lib/sendmail -t

Sleddog - Ah, you're right, I haven't installed it. I didn't realize it was needed for the mail syntax, thanks! I'll remember that for the future! :)

Sweh - That worked perfectly, thanks so much! Using it now :D


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