How to create CNAME records (using Google Apps for Email)

Hi, I want to use Google Apps for email instead of setting my own mail server (btw. do you recommend this option? I'm doing this because I've been told that it's the easiest option and that there is a lot of hassle with my own mail server, never done that before).

I opened an account with G. apps and I can access my email via Web address

I see that there is an option to use custom url like

But, "to enable your custom URLs, you must create CNAME records with your domain host" they say. How do I do that?

Also, when using mail with some mail client like Thunderburd, is it possible not to enter but something like


2 Replies

Are you using the Linode DNS manager? How you set CNAME records depends on your registrar, Google has complete instructions for most major registrars, and if you're using the Linode DNS Manager, there are instructions on how that works on the library.

To answer the second question, you can try. Set a CNAME record of for

You can't do "mail.whatever" because gmail uses different servers for pop and smtp.

Thanks, I am using Linode DNS manager. I've found instuction in the library how to set MX records for using google apps, and everything is working, I can read and send my mail and everything.

But I don't see anything in the library on how to create this CNAME record for this situation…


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