Google apps sending limit -- need something else as well?

So I have my linode set up with google apps which was all fine and dandy until I realized there is a sending limit for google apps.

For sending something like registration e-mails this could be a problem.

So I was wondering is there a way for me to set up mail on my server to send out registration e-mails as well as still use google apps for my other email?

6 Replies

Install postfix, there's a bunch of guides here you don't need courier or dovecot.

Yea, that's what I do. Just make sure your SPF records etc allow google and your IP to send mail.

Thanks for the replies… if you don't mind me asking do you have additional info about spf? I only found 1 hit in the linode library so am a little confused by that.

Try this

There's also EXIM on your system. Library has a tutorial.


Thanks for the replies… if you don't mind me asking do you have additional info about spf? I only found 1 hit in the linode library so am a little confused by that.

Yup. Here you go:


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