I need IMAP IDLE but I prefer the POP style...

Hi all.

I hope that someone can help me solving this puzzle.

I need the IMAP IDLE features but I really prefer the POP way to manage my email.

It is really important that all the email I download on my email client

is automatically removed from the server but stored locally on my machine.

As you have noticed this is the usually behaviour that all email client assumes with the POP server.

Since I need the IMAP IDLE I can't use POP, do you know an email client that let me use an IMAP server like a POP one?




6 Replies

By default, Mail.app downloads a copy of every message so I can look through my mail without an active IMAP connection. (Or maybe I set it to do that. I can't remember. Look for it under "Advanced" on the account.)

If you want them deleted from your server, use a filter to move them to Local Folders or its equivalent. Almost everything that goes to my @linode.com address moves to a folder under "On My Mac" in Mail.app, which removes it from my IMAP server and stashes it.


By default, Mail.app downloads a copy of every message so I can look through my mail without an active IMAP connection. (Or maybe I set it to do that. I can't remember. Look for it under "Advanced" on the account.)

If you want them deleted from your server, use a filter to move them to Local Folders or its equivalent. Almost everything that goes to my @linode.com address moves to a folder under "On My Mac" in Mail.app, which removes it from my IMAP server and stashes it.

thanks for your reply,

have you got an idea on how to create filter using thunderbird?

Tools|Message Filters…


Tools|Message Filters…

Thanks for your reply and sorry for my "lame" question but I haven't founded a 100% working solution with thunderbird filter.

Filters works well only for unread emails, I have setup a filter

to move the emails unconditionally from the inbox to a local folder.

This works good for unread emails but not for the read ones.

If I read some emails on my mobile, and than open thunderbird, the emails I have read with the mobile remains on the inbox folder and not moved the local folder.

I know that this isn't really related with linode, but hey we are talking about that now :)

you can tell the filter to act on messages with a status of read or unread

wouldn't that work to solve your issue?


you can tell the filter to act on messages with a status of read or unread

wouldn't that work to solve your issue?

it works only for email received after thunderbird has been started.


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