Stackscripts question

I've been working on a set of stack scripts to setup my new install of ubuntu 10.4 LTS so that I can upgrade. I've run into something weird.

One of the commands restricts SSH disallow root logins, a pretty basic task when setting up a new box. After deploying a new image with the stack script I am able to login as root. After looking through the logs it appears that the stack scripts just start a bash script executing and then report success. So, if I just wait a little while the stack-script will finish and root logins are restricted.

1) Is this true, do stack scripts run after "success" is reported in the linode manager.

2) Is there a way from the linode manager to tell when a stack script has finished setting up the server?

3) After deploying via stack scripts, what is the current state of the machine is it running? Is it running silently, because I still have to click the boot button for the machine to be accessible over the network.

4) Does this seem wiered to anyone else?

2 Replies


1) Is this true, do stack scripts run after "success" is reported in the linode manager.
After success on the boot job, yes. The deploy from StackScript job simply inserts the StackScript into the distribution you have selected. It is executed after that disk image boots for the first time, by your distribution (not the Linode Manager).

Our platform boots your Linode in Xen, passes off control, then no longer cares. When your Linode's kernel takes off, as far as the Linode Manager is concerned your Linode has booted successfully. It doesn't wait for the StackScript to finish, as really, it has no way to tell – that's all under the jurisdiction of your Linode's kernel. The StackScript is entirely on its own in this department, from a technological standpoint.


2) Is there a way from the linode manager to tell when a stack script has finished setting up the server?
No, because then you're asking every StackScript author to remember to ping, or jobs will hang indefinitely – StackScripts do not fit into the job architecture that we currently have. I pitched this very idea, and it was wisely concluded that my idea was flawed for this very reason. Some StackScripts take tens of minutes, and it is entirely under your kernel's responsibility -- do you really want to lose the ability to shut down your Linode during that time?

If there is a better way we'll find it, but it doesn't fit well today.


3) After deploying via stack scripts, what is the current state of the machine is it running? Is it running silently, because I still have to click the boot button for the machine to be accessible over the network.
When the Linode Manager says Powered Off, your Linode is Powered Off. It simply doesn't exist on the host, and is just a filesystem waiting to be shoved into Xen. That's what the boot job does. Linodes do not ever run silently with their network disabled.


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