testing with Slackware and Gentoo

Hello all,

I have noticed that Gentoo and Slackware have been stripped way down–possibly more than they should have been.

So, here is my question. I don't know much about these systems, but I want a system I can have up fairly quickly to test a project, make sure it compiles on both systems, etc.

What packages will I need to make this work?

I installed gcc, g++, binutils and make with slackpkg, but a simple hello world in c didn't compile, with undefined references to 'printf'.

3 Replies

I know squat about slackware packages, but missing 'printf' makes it sound like you are missing glibc.

You need the -dev packages related to glibc to build stuff against it. They include headers and such. I'm not sure about Slackware, but in Debian-based distros the package is libc6-dev.


I'm not having much luck finding a glibc dev… Is there a way to get a normal version of slack that wasn't murdered?


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