help about linode


i want to order a linode..

but realy i didn't test it before , this is my first time with vps…

is there a fast way to learn it?

i want to install only forum (mybb) on it…

is there any easy steps about what to do after i order one?

thank you

3 Replies

Thanks for your interest in our service! These Linode Library guides should be helpful: … ards/mybb/">

thank you pparadis for these useful links…

i have noticed that there are many commands that i must run…

is there a way to install a free control panel that can do all this without using SSH ( such as create database, add domain , upload files , etc) like in shared host?

and if that is not possible, is there a way (software or something) that enable me to test these commands in my computer before i order?

thank you

ok , i got the answer..

i'll see what can i do…

thank you


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