Check/Money Order billing.....

I am wondering if Linode has considered accepting check or money order payments via mail….. essentially this would be a cost effective option for Linode since billing to credit card actually cost's a transaction fee…… yet if a client mails Linode a check they can deposit the check and avoid any transaction fee.

I am just asking because I use my bank's Internet BillPay service and if it benefits Linode by saving them a transaction fee then I wouldn't mind paying by check.

2 Replies

They have been known to do that for annual plans in some corporate situations (the wonderful world of purchase orders)… if you really want to, open a ticket.

However, since the labor and risk required to process check payments is nonzero, your best bet to cut down on Linode's transaction costs would be to go with an annual or 2-year plan and stick with the credit card. As a bonus, they'll pass the savings on to you :-)

Without official sanction or affiliation, we resell "Node Like VPS" with "alternative payment methods," but "personal check" is not one of them. If Linode turns you down, and you want to do paypal or money order or google checkout or whatever… PM me and we may be able to work something out.

As a broker, we do charge a convenience fee for accepting alternate payment methods on our "Node Like VPS systems."


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