Help, how do I send mail? It semi works.

So I have my incoming mail handled by google. I set up google mx records.

Anyway, my vbulletin board can "send emails" out to people, but when I send a test email to myself I don't get anything using the system.

I'm not sure why. I just tried setting up a SPF record but I don't know if it's the right way.

If I tail -f -n 0 exim/maillog

I get this => Unrouteable address

I just want it to be a very simple OUTBOUND email… so far not receiving it when sent to gmail.


It appears when I send to an address that isn't gmail related it works.

Is this SPF issue?

I have

v=spf1 ~all

> HELO Result="softfail" Remote IP=""

I don't think that's good. :(

edit: I think I almost fixed it to work. I can send email out as long as it's not to the hostname of the server.

Can I change my hostname to anything? I'm not sure what to change it to.

Right now hostname is the domain so if I send mail to I am guessing it's just trying to route it locally.

Do I just change the host name arbitrarily? What does this mean to my DNS records? I'm hosting with apache and such.

edit 2: changed hostname to and added DNS cname for server to point to @.

edit 3: using v=spf1 a: ~all

No luck so far. Still getting routed locally and getting softfail.

3 Replies

Your spf record should look like

"v=spf1 a mx ~all"

and in your postfix.conf set

mydestination = localhost, localhost.$mydomain


Your spf record should look like

"v=spf1 a mx ~all"

and in your postfix.conf set

mydestination = localhost, localhost.$mydomain

Thanks. I just updated spf record. However I'm not using postfix.conf I have exim…

(can't find postfix.conf only exim conf..)

(edit, guess I'll just install postfix!)

Ya I'd go for postfix if you're just sending email, it's a darn sight easier to manage.


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