nginx and cURL - Ubuntu 10.04

Anyone have the problem of getting php curl extension working with nginx on Ubuntu 10.04or how to install it?

My php script dies with:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Facebook needs the CURL PHP extension.' in /var/www/……..



6 Replies

More info would help, how are you running php?

Sorry my bad…new to all this.

PHP5 on nginx v7.65 if thats what you mean? on ubuntu 10.04.

Thanks, let me know if you need more info. Not sure.



Anyone have the problem of getting php curl extension working with nginx on Ubuntu 10.04or how to install it?

My php script dies with:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Facebook needs the CURL PHP extension.' in /var/www/……..



Based on the error message I wonder if you have php5-curl installed?

apt-get install php5-curl

make sure your php.ini file has in it

restart whatever is running php (php-fpm or spawn-fcgi I imagine)

Same problem too. New to this also. I'm a front end designer. Client was moved to linode on the advice of a friend. Then looking to me to figure this out. not finding any documentation to help get me started.

I've got zero context on where to get started with this and the forum threads so far are simply telling me that I have no clue and this is probably the wrong host to be on and or that my client needs to hire an additional person to manage the backend coding (not something they have any budget for which is why they are paying $20 per month for hosting).

Love to figure out how to get a clue as to where the clues are, probably not going to be cost effective for me or my client.

From what I've been able to check, it's probably an error with either php5-curl not being installed or isn't enabled. I'd give this page a quick look, perhaps it could help out: … -extension">



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