Apache compression for virtual hosts

Hi all! I'm trying to enable compression by using mod_deflate.

I've been following this guide: http://www.howtoforge.com/apache2moddeflate

For some reason it's not working for my virtual hosts. I've enabled file compression as described in section #2.2, but checking the logs I find things like this:

"GET /www.example.com/ambiental.html HTTP/1.1" -/- (-%)

"GET /www.example.com/principal.css HTTP/1.1" -/- (-%)

"GET /styles.css HTTP/1.1" 1974/8483 (23%)

So it seems that it's compressing the main website but not the virtual hosts. The specified configuration (2.2 Explicit Exclusion Of Files By Extension) was included in the main section, should I move that to each virtual host? how can I configure this as default for all the virtual hosts? As I've read, the will match objects at the URL level, thus in the main section should match any website (virtual or not), is this right?

Thanks in advance for any suggestion.


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