how can I upgades kernel headers ?

Checking for binary module

Waiting |

No binary module found

Gathering kernel information

Gathering kernel information complete.

Creating kernel headers package

Checking '/lib/modules/2.6.38-linode31/source/' for kernel headers

Checking '/usr/src/kernels/2.6.38-linode31-i686/' for kernel headers

Checking '/lib/modules/2.6.38-linode31/build/' for kernel headers

Unable to find a valid source directory.

Please install the kernel headers for your operating system.

1 Reply

The kernel headers are available from – although 2.6.38 isn't up yet; you should file a ticket to poke them about it.

The question is what you're actually doing, and what you need them for. Linode typically compiles features in, rather than using modules. Some distro scripts are too dumb to accept that. What you're looking for may already be available.

Edit (2011-04-16T16:09Z): I poked them. They explained to me that Linode is using the stock 2.6.38 sources, so you can just go over and get 'em from and apply your node's /proc/config.gz.


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