Do you run vbulletin on your linode? What size is your node?
Right now it has exactly one user: me
But of course I hope it will grow.
Unfortunately, vbulletin requires apache and does not support nginx.
I'm assuming that with a few users, a 512 is enough. But does anyone have any info on what to expect for future growth?
a forum with X concurrent users on a linode of size X…
a forum with Y concurrent users on a linode of size Y…
I'd be curious to hear people's experiences.
14 Replies
If you do use apache set your maxclients to around 10, use the mysql small my.cnf, if you're using some form of fcgi php handler set the max children to around 4.
You'll be able to handle a lot of "concurrent" users with that.
> use the mysql small my.cnf
Anybody know where these files are stored on a Ubuntu 10.04 box?
And it's perfectly safe to replace the contents of my.cnf with what's inside my-small.cnf?
BTW, it depends on what OS you're using. In debian-land, it's more normal to drop whataver .cnf you want to use into /etc/mysql/conf.d
I don't use vbulletin but I doubt it "requires" apache. I imagine it has rewrite rules that can be translated to nginx.
They state they require apache. Which leaves you in the classic situation of "I have a problem" - "well, we won't help you because you're not running a supported config".
I'm also looking at IP.Boards
> If you do use apache set your maxclients to around 10, use the mysql small my.cnf, if you're using some form of fcgi php handler set the max children to around 4.
Thanks, that's very useful.
Anyway if you're destined to use apache, one thing to consider is using fcgi for php and switching to mpm_worker, it'll save you ram.
How big is the current board or is this something new?
I run phpBB3 using Apache. I used mpmprefork for a while just fine. You should be able to handle in the 25 range for MaxClients. I switched to mpmworker/fcgi last year and that's worked great. I've had as many as 300 logged in users according to it (think that means activity in last 5 mins).
How big is the current board or is this something new?
Brand new.
I know how to run Apache. I have run nginx successfully. I haven't run litespeed, though it seems to have a very good reputation. I haven't looked at lighttp.
~2000 concurrent users during the day.
~3.5 million posts.
It works quite nicely… for now using Apache would be no problem for you, but unless you have mountains of RAM to use, I find Apache just doesn't scale as well as some other options (Litespeed included).
The difficulty with vB, I think, is that it just keeps growing and growing… it was in December that I upped the DB from 2GB to 4GB after tweaking things to the max.
Currently running vBulletin 3.x on Litespeed. I have a 4GB node for database, 1GB for web app server.
~2000 concurrent users during the day.
~3.5 million posts.
It works quite nicely… for now using Apache would be no problem for you, but unless you have mountains of RAM to use, I find Apache just doesn't scale as well as some other options (Litespeed included).
The difficulty with vB, I think, is that it just keeps growing and growing… it was in December that I upped the DB from 2GB to 4GB after tweaking things to the max.
Thanks very much for this info! That is very helpful. I haven't decided vb vs IP.Boards yet but that's very helpful for sizing.
If you don't mind me asking, how much bandwidth a month do you serve with that?
PHP processing requests (these are litespeed fcgi):
Traffic output:
Total requests into the server:
The first and last one, if you compare, give you an idea of the Requests per Second that require PHP processing vs the ones that don't. So this is why in my experience, vBulletin with Apache where every handler is running PHP is a huge use of resources and likely unnecessary.~~
It's currently on a Linode 2048.
I'd been having some trouble recently, but, I was a retard:
a) didn't have mod_expires running (I thought it was, but, no….)
b) I let some vBulletin threads (discussions) get out of hand, if you have a thread with over 2000+ posts, it can hurt the server.
I run prefork (not sure if vBulletin plays well with the mpm-worker implementation of PHP).
We're going to migrate to 4.1 soon, after I do that, I'm going to investigate either using nginx for everything, or (for sure) at least for the front end to serve up the static content.