Complete Noob-Please help.

I just started linode. That should be a hint that I need a lot of help figuring this out. Currently I just purchased a node, and completed the getting started and beginners guide. I have placed my web files into the folders that has my domain names in them. I have also edited dns information of my domains where I have already registered them, the a record to the ip of my linode. I have also added my domains in the dns management tab in linode's backend. However my problem currently is getting my website to show up on the internet. The guides are great, however they don't explain things more in depth for people like me who knows nothing and wants to learn.

Help is very much appreciated!



9 Replies

John, providing some more information, like what distributions you are using and what the domain/URL your having issue with, would be more helpfully.

So here are some troubleshooting steps:

1. Is you web server running? If not, what type and version?

2. Is the A record(s) resolving for the website?

3. Is there a firewall that might be blocking it?



John, providing some more information, like what distributions you are using and what the domain/URL your having issue with, would be more helpfully.

So here are some troubleshooting steps:

1. Is you web server running? If not, what type and version?

2. Is the A record(s) resolving for the website?

3. Is there a firewall that might be blocking it?


Hi, Travis.

1. The linode is currently running with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.

2. The A record should be working because it was pointing to another server on MediaTemple. So as you notice, I am trying to switch to linode. So what I did was when I purchased the linode, I was given an IP and I used that IP for the A record in mediatemple for that domain.

3. How do I know if there is a firewall being active? I don't remember activating any firewall unless it was by default.

What's your domain name that you are trying to move? is the domain I'm switching. I appreciate your help! resolves to a Linode IP, doesn't resolve to anything. shows a Apache index page

Did you install a full LAMP stack? (i.e. PHP, MySQL, etc)

update: now resolves to a Linode IP

Hey, yeah installed the the complete LampStack through following the getting started guide.

Right now and both resolve to which appears to be a Hetzner dedicated server.

Your domain registry doesn't appear to be listing Linode's DNS servers for your domain, but and instead. You can change this on Tucow's web interface.

'dig +trace', 'whois', and 'nslookup' are your friends.

I'm new at this too, but I think I had the same problem.

Netfirms is revamping their control panel (again..) and I am not entirely confident in it. I changed the NS records to and and then used the Linode DNS manager. Things worked fine after that.


As a reminder, there are 5 linode name servers (ns1 through ns5), so it's a good idea to have them all set.


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