Simple VirtualHost ServerName question

When creating virtual hosts,

Is "ServerName" what distinguishes requests from each other?

Say I had three domains,,, and They are all set up with DNS to point to my node's IP address.

I should then, create three VirtualHost entries, with ServerName corresponding respectively to each, and specifying separate directories.

But just to make sure, "ServerName" is what determines where each domain goes, even if they're all pointing to the same ip?

For example, I go to in my browser. Apache loads the VirtualHost who's servername is "" and shows that corresponding directory in the browser?

2 Replies


When creating virtual hosts,

Is "ServerName" what distinguishes requests from each other?

Say I had three domains,,, and They are all set up with DNS to point to my node's IP address.

I should then, create three VirtualHost entries, with ServerName corresponding respectively to each, and specifying separate directories.

But just to make sure, "ServerName" is what determines where each domain goes, even if they're all pointing to the same ip?

For example, I go to in my browser. Apache loads the VirtualHost who's servername is "" and shows that corresponding directory in the browser?

Yes, ServerName (as well as ServerAlias) are used for matching the client's Host-header when using name-based virtual hosts.

See for an overview of name-based virtual hosts and ~~[" target="_blank">]( … servername">](for specifics regarding ServerName.

Basically, yes.

Here are some other guides and documentation: … ion-basics">


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