IPv6 ?

I just noticed this on my ifconfig output :

inet6 addr: fe80::fcfd:40ff:fe05:3544/64 Scope:Link

Does this mean my Linode has an IPv6 address? ( that works? )

13 Replies

I have noticed that, too. I suspect that it does not work, though, because I have also seen this:

eth0: no IPv6 routers present

Try doing an ifconfig -a – there appear to be a number of devices configured to do IPv6 to IPv4 tunneling, they just aren't up by default. There are some other devices set up there too that I have no idea why we (Linode users) would ever want them, like a DDP over IP tunnel (for Appletalk), as I can't see you wanting to use them outside a LAN environment.

Anyway, I suspect that we all have properly allocated IPv6 addresses, but if you want to use them, you'll need to configure those tunnels to connect to an existing IPv6 network. (Chris -- would you care to confirm?)

I should also note that my observations are based on the small Debian config.



I should also note that my observations are based on the small Debian config.

As are mine. Because Debian cooks my emergency bacon.


Ok, I'll admit right now that I'm a total IPv6 newbie. Maybe some of you can set me straight?

In my understanding, right now IPv6 requires tunnelling to an IPv6 gateway over IP4.

Without tunnelling, the network provider (in this case, ThePlanet) has to have IPv6 supported (or routable) through their network, assigning IPv6 IPs to everyone, etc.

Let me know if some of the kernel options I've selected are totally useless and I'll remove them and we can save a few K of kernel space.



In my understanding, right now IPv6 requires tunnelling to an IPv6 gateway over IP4.

Without tunnelling, the network provider (in this case, ThePlanet) has to have IPv6 supported (or routable) through their network, assigning IPv6 IPs to everyone, etc.

yep. I had never seen IPv6 enabled/assigned an address before so I thought this may be a hidden feature.

> Let me if some of the kernel options I've selected are totally useless and I'll remove them and we can save a few K of kernel space.

After booting my own UML, I see the same thing, so I think it's in the standard config for UML, so leave it I guess. That leaves the option for people to use an IPv6<>IPv4 gateway.

That means the interface speaks IPv6, as well as IPv4.

The address is not a global IPv6 address.. it is what is known as a "link local" address…. something you don't really see in IPv4. It's an address that is used to identify that particular interface internally.

To get on the 6bone, you would have to use tunneling of some sort, which is relatively easy. Google for ipv6 tunnel brokers.

Note to Linode: You might want to consider getting a tunnel, and then offering local "native" ipv6 to the linodes.

For me i have used ipv6 many of places i have a box i use with a ipv6 subnet on it but inconfigureing ipv6 on my linode it will not 'work' for example when i do host irc6.oftc.net it does not show any ipv6 addresses (and i know there are ipv6 servers) and when i try to traceroute my route to my tunneler's pop
> root@wolfnix:~# traceroute 2001:770:100:37::1

traceroute: unknown host 2001:770:100:37::1

root@wolfnix:~# traceroute 2001:770:100:37::1/64

traceroute: unknown host 2001:770:100:37::1/64

and for ifconfig -a it shows myt tunnel
> sit0 Link encap:UNSPEC HWaddr 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00

NOARP MTU:1480 Metric:1

RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0

TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0


RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)

sixxs Link encap:UNSPEC HWaddr 40-3E-E7-87-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00

inet6 addr: 2001:770:100:37::2/64 Scope:Global

inet6 addr: fe80::403e:e787/128 Scope:Link


RX packets:40 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0

TX packets:40 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0


RX bytes:4160 (4.0 Kb) TX bytes:4960 (4.8 Kb)

Can anyone help me?



> ip tunnel add sixxs mode sit local remote

ip link set sixxs up

ip link set mtu 1280 dev sixxs

ip tunnel change sixxs ttl 64

ip -6 addr add 2001:770:100:37::2/64 dev sixxs

ip -6 ro add default via 2001:770:100:37::1 dev sixxs is what i do to enable teh tunnel

Most of the standard net tools come in v6 aware versions, which probably aren't even installed by default.

For instance, you should really be using traceroute6. On debian, you get this from the iputils-tracepath package.

There's also a ping6, in the iputils-ping package.


Most of the standard net tools come in v6 aware versions, which probably aren't even installed by default.

For instance, you should really be using traceroute6. On debian, you get this from the iputils-tracepath package.

There's also a ping6, in the iputils-ping package.
ah okay i forgot about theses :) thanks

But when i use anything and try to connect to the ipv6 example irssi i try to use it as a hostname when connecting a ipv6 on oftc and it does not work O_O

I fixed it did not know slackware 9.0 did not have IPv6 aware tools but 9.1 does so i found teh package in the 9.1 package tree and upgraded the one from 9.0 :)

I've got IPv6 running between several of my hosts around the world, using freely available tunnel brokers.

For my Linode, I have debian unstable running on it. I got myself a tunnel from Hurricane Electric, and set it up to my Linode box. You can get a free ipv6 tunnel from http://tunnelbroker.net/

Once you've gotten your tunnel setup (you need to register and then supply your Linode ip address), you can configure it on the linux box. For debian, I needed to install the iproute, iputils-ping and iputils-tracepath packages. Then just run the following to get it talking:


Tunnel from HE - www.tunnelbroker.net


ip tunnel add sixbone mode sit remote local =your=linode=ipv4=ip= ttl 255

ip link set sixbone up

ip addr add =your=ipv6=address=/127 dev sixbone

ip route add ::/0 dev sixbone

Traceroute and ping to known ipv6 sites should confirm it all up.

Debian probably has a more correct way of configuring ipv6, but I'm old school and still configure network interfaces by hand.


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