Linode in Hawaii

IF there was a Linode cluster in Hawaii - would you buy?

I'm trying to convince Linode to put a node here, which would benefit from the Japan fiber and lower latency to Asia.


4 Replies

I assume we're talking about a possible replacement for Fremont?

Hawaii is thousands of miles away from everywhere else. People in the Asia-Pacific region might get better latency from Hawaii than they do from Fremont, but people in the US West Coast would suffer.

I would rather Linode had TWO datacenters, one in the US West Coast (not Fremont!) and another in East Asia. That way, everyone gets super low latency, and you Hawaiians can choose either.

C'mon Linode, it's been a while since you added Newark and London. Isn't it time to expand again? 8)

Linode has California, Texas, Atlanta, NewYork, London … pretty good coverage.

I'm just campaigning for Hawaii since we could really use it and the latency to Asia would rock.


Linode has California, Texas, Atlanta, NewYork, London … pretty good coverage.

I'm just campaigning for Hawaii since we could really use it and the latency to Asia would rock.

s/NewYork/Newark, NJ/

I got excited for a second :)


Sorry, NJ is right.

for me, HI, All of its FAR.. lol


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