Managed Servers: Any suggestions?


I am considering hosting that includes management (system administration and monitoring). The only options I have found that include this all in one is at Rackspace (CloudSites or CloudServers+Management).

Does anyone here use a third-party company for management (OS/tuning) with Linodes? Do you have recommendations outside of Linode that offer this?

I currently have four Linodes in one data center for high availability Apache/PHP and MySQL servers, and am considering adding a bit more or switching to another offering.

Thanks, Josh

4 Replies

I have no experience myself, but some folks here have recommended @vpsbuddy. I imagine there are others. Hiring an expert on an hourly basis might make more sense if you are looking to tune and harden your servers rather than having someone else monitor them. There are some Linode-managed services, including load balancers, and I think discussion over expanding those services is ongoing.

If you want management and servers all in one package, you might want to look at WiredTree.

I have a Linode but I also have a server at WiredTree for some basic webhosting for several domains because they include cPanel and full management for a great price.

Hi Ghan_04,

Thanks for the tip. That is definitely a much better price than Rackspace. How much do you use their support? Is it good?

Thanks, Josh

I've used their support a few times but generally not much for serious configuration issues but my experience has been that they will help you with any kind of configuration of base software on the system.

For example, they resolved an issue for me where Litespeed was not properly executing PHP files. Their support people are always very friendly and quick to respond to issues. Anything to do with server load issues, script problems, etc, they generally deal with very quickly.


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