Trying to forward email with exim4

Hi there,

I have exim4 set up, initially using the send mail only configuration shown here: … 0.04-lucid">

I then set up the domain to use Google Apps, following the instructions here:

I also have several other domains, but I don't want to create Google Apps accounts for each one of them:

I thought that adding virtual hosts using this guide would do the trick:

The files in /etc/exim4/virtual/ have the following contents (or similar)

> * :

I've since updated exim4.conf and restarted the MTA, but no joy. I've also hunted around for solutions but I'm getting nowhere fast.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm starting to pull my hair out on this one.

Thanks in advance

4 Replies

it'd probably help if I provided some further information. I get the following error with emails bouncing back to me:

> Technical details of temporary failure:

The recipient server did not accept our requests to connect. Learn more at … nswer=7720">

[ (10): Connection refused]


Technical details of temporary failure:

The recipient server did not accept our requests to connect. Learn more at … nswer=7720">

[ (10): Connection refused]
The link google provided gives you a list of possibilities. The mail server for is either firewalled prohitting connections or the mail server is not listening on the public IP address.


Does anyone have any suggestions?
Make sure you have rDNS set up and your mail server is configured to accept mail for the domains you want. Presently there are no MX records for, nor is there a listening SMTP service at the A record for the domain.



Make sure you have rDNS set up and your mail server is configured to accept mail for the domains you want. Presently there are no MX records for, nor is there a listening SMTP service at the A record for the domain.

Hi Travis, thanks for the reply.

On the DNS manager I've set up MX entries. I've also checked them using mxtoolbox and they seem to be responding OK. It's as you say though - the box just doesn't seem to be listening on that port or actively refusing connections.

More digging required. Thanks though!


When configuring exim4 using the default script, it helps if you tell it to listen on the linode IP address if you want it to accept incoming connections…


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