Cgi in Vhosts

One of the people that I host wants to use Movable Type on their site. However, I get this error:

Access forbidden!

You don't have permission to access the requested object. It is either read-protected or not readable by the server.

Here is the relevant configuration sections in httpd.conf.

AddHandler cgi-script .cgi

Options FollowSymLinks Indexes ExecCGI


DocumentRoot /home/sites/


ServerAlias *

ErrorLog /home/sites/

CustomLog /home/sites/ common

what am i missing? I am running Redhat small and everything else in the httpd.conf is default.


2 Replies

ok, i got it to work, but I am really confused. I added Options ExecCGI in the main Directory section of the httpd.conf. However, I thought that with Virtual Hosts, any settings in the VirtualHost area overrode the default settings?

ok, i got it to work, but I am really confused. I added Options ExecCGI in the main Directory section of the httpd.conf. However, I thought that with Virtual Hosts, any settings in the VirtualHost area overrode the default settings?

This this help me get a little closer getting my phpbb up Thanks


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