Notification re kernel updates/deprecation?

Is there a way to get an email notification when kernels are updated/deprecated?

7 Replies

Well, for now I signed up for a Google Reader account, subscribed to the RSS feed, and added the Google Reader gadget to my Google Apps inbox. If there is an easier way to get these updates to my inbox, I will be glad to hear it.


Well, for now I signed up for a Google Reader account, subscribed to the RSS feed, and added the Google Reader gadget to my Google Apps inbox. If there is an easier way to get these updates to my inbox, I will be glad to hear it.

link to the gadget?

Google RSS to email and you'll get things like


link to the gadget?

But it looks like once the "new look" is rolled out to everyone that this workaround won't work anymore. As far as I can tell, the Gadget window will be gone. (It isn't working, at least, when I try the new look.)

As I am on mailing lists for all of my software and thus automatically receive updates when packages are updated, it sure would be nice to receive notification when I need to update my kernel by the same means. As I'm not an RSS person, I have to go a bit out of my way to get this info and I'm thus less likely to consistently do so, which bothers me.



link to the gadget?

But it looks like once the "new look" is rolled out to everyone that this workaround won't work anymore. As far as I can tell, the Gadget window will be gone. (It isn't working, at least, when I try the new look.)

Shoot, already on the new look.


As I am on mailing lists for all of my software and thus automatically receive updates when packages are updated, it sure would be nice to receive notification when I need to update my kernel by the same means. As I'm not an RSS person, I have to go a bit out of my way to get this info and I'm thus less likely to consistently do so, which bothers me.

Good thing I posted a solution for you that would take about three minutes of time (and, IMO, should be a fairly obvious google for someone who wants RSS via email).

@Brian Puccio:

Good thing I posted a solution for you that would take about three minutes of time (and, IMO, should be a fairly obvious google for someone who wants RSS via email).

If I have to do that I will but I prefer not to hand out my address to sites that are obviously going to pester me with upsell spam.


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