Copying Linode Image from one to another

Hi Chris,

Just wondering if it would be possible if lets say we had 2 linodes, would it possible to copy the linode images from one to the other.


9 Replies

Hey Adam,

You could do it in "linode-space" with rsync or scp (for example)… But, if you wanted a secondary Linode I could copy them host-side to get you started. Not sure what you're going after…


The general idea is to fully configure the linode to a working state and then create a copy of the linode to a second one.

That would mean you would have to exact linodes each the same.

One of them would be the live linode, the other a testbed

The any software updates and upgrades could be tested on the testbed linode before been made on the live working copies.


Did that make any sense?


So you would rather have the ability to copy the filesystem images through the Member's section, rather than reploying the same distro and rsync'ing it?

What's wrong with rsync or scp?


Would using rsync work, wouldnt some files be locked and thus not accessible.


If you have a small utility distro deployed (like the Debian distro, or the rescue distro once I get around to it), you can mount your "source" distro r/o and then perform the rsync.

You might also be able to boot into single user mode, bring up networking and rsync that way, but I doubt you'll get rsync to run from a ro filesystem without some messing with it…


I guess that would work, copying from the monted source to a blank dest partition.



If you have a small utility distro deployed (like the Debian distro, or the rescue distro once I get around to it), you can mount your "source" distro r/o and then perform the rsync.

You might also be able to boot into single user mode, bring up networking and rsync that way, but I doubt you'll get rsync to run from a ro filesystem without some messing with it…


Once again, I say cloning is handy :) … ight=clone">

A great small utility distro is LNX-BBC ( bootable business card)

about 50 megs big, packed with useful utilities for system recovery and general use.


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