Newb guidance: can't see my doc root, can't find phpmyadmin?

Morning Folks,

I'm a linode newbie switching from Dreamhost. I know just some bare bones about CLI & Vim and have been working on getting my web server up and running.

first, I have some files @ /srv/www/, but can't seem to access them from my IP address (haven't changed the DNS servers yet).

In my apache setup, i did create /etc/apache2/sites-available/ file with the code below:

 <virtualhost *:80="">ServerAdmin
     DocumentRoot /srv/www/
     ErrorLog /srv/www/
     CustomLog /srv/www/ combined</virtualhost> 

second, I set up ISPConfig but don't see phpmyadmin in the "tools" section, and can't access is from

Do i need to locate apache httpd.conf and figure out my document root or something?

Many thanks!!


3 Replies

I changed the virtual host file to

 <virtualhost *:80="">ServerAdmin
     DocumentRoot /srv/www/
     ErrorLog /srv/www/
     CustomLog /srv/www/ combined</virtualhost> 

but now am getting 403 Forbidden/no permission error.

do i need to chmod the www directory?


Just curious, why would a non-sysadmin leave the comforts of Managed Shared Hosting to go to the Wild West of Unmanaged VPS Hosting.

Looking at your site, it doesn't seem to be your business area, so why waste time performing technical tasks that won't be billable hours for your company?

Managing a SECURE LAMP stack isn't rocket science, but there is a considerable learning curve and the maintaining the security part is a never ending process, not a one shot procedure.

Quite simply, because I'm not exactly wild about dreamhost's performance for CMS's, a programmer just set up a client of mine on Linode within 30 mins, I read a bunch of forum posts that indicated to I was ok to jump in, there certainly was no mention (that i could find) about it being "The Wild Wild West", and I simply felt like it because I actually like learning the command line!

I'l be sure to let my client know that their install will need a sysadmin to keep an eye on it.

Thanks for the square info, I'll be moving on to another service that I think is more at my level - cheers!


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