Re: Host10 Power Cycle


While Hurricane Electric was installing a new server, they managed to pull the plug on Host10.

Silly ways I've downed servers:

1. simply ran "shutdown -h now" when sshed into the wrong machine.

2. the monitors, keyboards, and mice for our NT machines sit on a long table with a kbm at the end for the unix boxes. When I sit at this table it's always to access one of the NT machines (I use ssh for the unix machines) so it's become habit to ctrl-alt-del before the screen has even come up.. needless to say the linux mail server didn't respond with a signon screen.

3. kicked the power cord out of a "temporary" server that was under my desk.

4. not I, but my boss has twice knocked the power cord out of our primary business system (AS400).

5. offsite endusers turned an UPS off because it was beeping (a production unix box, nt server, network hub, and the router where connected to said UPS)

6. overloaded the UPS by turning on all the server monitors when showing the servers to an auditor (this brought down every server in the server room in front of the auditor.. thankfully this one wasn't me either [and the monitors have since been moved off of the UPS])


2 Replies

One time our primary server room had a power failure … And we had 6 lovely mid-sized APS UPSs. But the power cabling wasn't fully setup, so all of our servers were plugged into two UPSs.

So what did we do ?

Daisy chained the UPSs …. :mrgreen:

Sunny Dubey


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