Best Web Server


Which web server would you recommend? I'm running a personal website (development, so only me going on it) on my Linode, and am trying to think of which web server to use.

What do you think?



8 Replies


I'm running a personal website (development, so only me going on it)

Since it's basically for a learning experience, pick one, learn it, see what's good/bad, benchmark it, then try another one.

From your usage statement, a little bit of downtime will only effect "just you", so might as well run all the popular web engines thru their paces and see what YOU like/dislike about each one.

Or, if that's not your "thing", run Apache or Apache/nginx mix since they have the biggest market share (which may or may not matter depending what you "develop").

If you're new to web servers, nginx is easier to setup (there's a guide on Linode Library). If you really really really need .htaccess file and can't adapt to nginx's rewrite syntax, go with Apache.

Will you be using anything esoteric, like PHP or Java? That will drive your decision somewhat, as well. If it's just static files, then any web server will work splendidly.

HoopyCat wrote his own web server in Fortran.

No; I originally wrote it using sendmail rewrite rules, but someone else ported it to Fortran.

I personally use for my personal websites for almost 4 years is godaddy … I've never had any problems, support for when you have any inconbeniente is excellent … 100% recommended …

:D :)


I personally use for my personal websites for almost 4 years is godaddy

I'd rather use sendmail rewrite rules.


Folks, this is a family forum. We don't need to be talking about those sorts of things here.


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